Iñigo Manglano-Ovalle
Born 1961, Madrid, Spain, www.inigomanglano-ovalle.com
Bluff (the artist invites Adam Brooks and Mathew Wilson to play strip poker in a dark room), 2012
Kerry James Marshall
Born 1955, Birmingham, Alabama, www.jackshainman.com
Untitled (2 potted plants), 2012
Mixed media (fluorescent acrylic, acrylic, potting moss, plastic flower pot, photographs)
Cecil McDonald
Born 1965, Chicago, Illinois, www.cecilmcdonaldjr.com
Men at Work, 2012
Adelheid Mers
Born 1960, Dusseldorf, Germany, www.adelheidmers.org
Conversation about his practice with Adam Brooks, December 4, 2011; Conversation about his practice with Mat Wilson, December 4, 2011, 2011
Digital file
Jessie Mott
Born 1980, New York City, New York, www.jessiemott.com
Spirit Animals: Portrait of Industry of the Ordinary, 2012
Jake Myers
Born 1985, Ottawa, Illinois, www.jakemyers.us
Read, 2012
Offset prints